Tailored mobility solutions to meet the dynamic needs of modern professionals - whether you're a freelancer, entrepreneur, or a growing business, our flexible workspace solutions are designed to provide versatile and customized solutions that align seamlessly with your evolving requirements.
{{ bundle.name }}
Rs {{ bundle.actualPrice }}
{{ countBundleInCart(bundle) > 0 ? countBundleInCart(bundle) : 'ADD' }}
{{ bundle.name }}
Rs {{ bundle.actualPrice }}
{{ countBundleInCart(bundle) > 0 ? countBundleInCart(bundle) : 'ADD' }}
Mon, 25 Dec, 2023
TOTAL {{ calculateTotal() | number: 2 }}
Valid for
6 months
Choose from
Monday to Saturday,
9am to 7pm
Connect with a
diverse community
Save more
on bundle booking
How will I know that my booking is confirmed? +
What happens once I arrive at the center? +
Which centers can I access with my bundle? +
Can I purchase a bundle for my organisation? +
What is the day pass booking process once I purchase a bundle? +
If I purchase a day pass bundle, can I expect to have the same seat each time? +
Can I modify the location, date or time slot after a credit is deducted? +
How long is the validity for my bundle? +
Are the credits in my bundle transferable? +
Can I bring guests? +
What is included in my meeting room booking? +
What services are include in my day pass, and what is not included? +
If I fail to show up for a booking, will the deducted credits be restored? +
Is it possible to extend the duration of your meeting room booking? +
Get a member of our team to do the searching-
we'll help you find the right workspace.