In a pre-pandemic reality, wellness at the workplace simply implied after-hours engagement activities or run-of-the-mill rewards and recognition programs however present-day wellness is an all-encompassing concept that ranges from employee engagement and L&D to physical and mental health assistance.
The evolved reality is witnessing an unprecedented focus on mental health and holistic wellness, making them the pillars around which the foundation of modern workplace is laid. This shift occurred primarily mainly due to the wave of prospective employees currently entering the job market; the millennials and Gen Zs. With good reason, these employees are looking for work environments that cater to their flexible, yet wellness-focused lifestyles. The realization that the new age workforce coupled with the long-lasting effects of a pandemic have brought to the forefront is that- at its core, the concept of workplace wellness is for everyone!
In a pre-pandemic reality, wellness at the workplace simply implied after-hours engagement activities or run-of-the-mill rewards and recognition programs however present-day wellness is an all-encompassing concept that ranges from employee engagement and L&D to physical and mental health assistance, covering a whole spectrum of aspects that were unheard of about a decade ago. As leaders, each of us needs to take a step back and take note that an average employee spends approximately 50 hours of their week at work. That’s about one-third of one’s waking life every year. Therefore, an employee’s outcome can be directly correlated to their overall wellbeing.
Today, employee well-being has extended beyond physical welfare to focus on building a culture of holistic well-being including physical, emotional, financial, social, career, community, and purpose. At the heart of this is the growing need for flexibility in where, when, and how employees work.
Before setting up wellness programs in the workspace it is essential to have a broad understanding of what the employees of today want. As far as understanding the clientele goes, co-working spaces have cracked the code by combining valuable insight with on-ground expertise gained from our diverse field experience. In line with this, following are the key aspects when laying the foundation for wellness at the workplace:
Physical fitness leads to a healthy mind
Creating workspaces that have indoor gymnasiums, open & mobile spaces, standing desks and designated activity areas is crucial especially given the aftereffects of the stressful lifestyle India Inc. endures. Allowing employees these added benefits as well as the freedom of movement will not only enhance overall productivity but, will also boost their motivation and happiness levels on the regular. Moreover, there will be a constant decline in absenteeism due to illnesses in the long run.
Mental health should be a top priority
We live in an era where mental health is a boardroom conversation however many organizations are still dappling with the finer nuances of getting this right. While companies are recruiting on-call counselling services and intertwining aspects of mental well-being into L&D programs, finer nuances such as strong two-way communication, regular feedback mechanisms etc. should not be overlooked.
The office should move beyond ‘functional’
Gone are the days where offices were mere functional spaces utilized for a mundane 9 to 5, in current times, employees look at offices as spaces where they spend a substantial amount of their waking day and therefore expect an environment that inspires them. From plush setups and color-infused décor to comfortable seating, extravagant cafes and ample natural light, modern employees want their office to be a space of growth, productivity and collaboration where they can spend ample time easily. From sleep pods to gaming rooms, workplaces across the globe are increasingly adopting this trend to ensure employee welfare.
Comfort and convenience are major contributors
The pandemic has redefined concepts such as “work from home” and “work near home” which pre-2020 had a very different connotation. Across sectors, several employees have shown preference for continuing to work from their hometowns to save on costs whilst also living close to their loved ones. As much as possible companies must adapt to this and prioritize their comfort in this case and decentralize so as to keep their workforce happy and productive in the long-run. Companies that are doing this successfully are witnessing unprecedented returns already.
Going forward, leaders must view well-being not just as an added employee benefit but instead as an opportunity to support their teams in all aspects of their personal and work lives!
This story appeared in the 14 June, 2022 issue of BW People and was originally published at: Laying The Foundation For Wellness At modern Day Workplaces, BW People