If you’ve just got a promotion, congratulations! If not, there’s something in store for you. And we don’t mean to simply encourage you by saying – keep your chin up, have a positive attitude and everything will be fine. We have gone the extra mile to get some interesting FAQs answered for you.
1. Do I befriend my boss?
This is the one question every employee battles in their mind. Is it best to be professional and keep the distance or should you play a little friendly once in a while. But, it is very vital to remember that your boss can be raising the gate and waving you forward and upward to your next position. Use your office setting to seek his counsel and always show your enthusiasm in staying with the company. Talk to your boss not only regarding your performance but also the roadblocks that are potentially stopping you from your promotion. Try to build a rapport with your boss by learning more about his interests and hobbies.
2. Do I ask for more responsibilities?
It is always good to be known as the guy who helps everybody out. Volunteering to help other departments or teams always increases your value within the organization. It shows your interest and desire to help the company grow and puts you in a spotlight. But, remember, it will only backfire if you take up responsibilities but don’t do your work properly. Finish your own work and responsibilities first and then help others.
3. Do I be a team player or work individually?
Today, majority of the work is accomplished through teams and it is extremely vital to share the success with your teammates. Be the captain of the ship and ensure that you swim and sink together with your team. Avoid pointing fingers at others when there are failures. As a team player, you will only build your reputation and watch your ship sail in the strongest stride.
4. How important is it to get the right boss?
“Don’t pick a job. Pick a boss. Your boss is the biggest factor in your career success. A boss who doesn’t trust you won’t give you opportunities to grow.” Said William Raduchel, and we couldn’t agree more. He/she is going to have a huge impact on how much you get paid, how well you enjoy your work, how fast will you move up the promotional ladder and every other aspect in your formal work setting. A boss should be someone you look up to, respect, enjoy working with and who supports you in difficult situations. Let us also acknowledge that more often than not choosing your boss is a privilege that not many employees get.
5. Should I try too hard?
If you’re the office ‘brown noser’, whose sole purpose is to suck up to the boss, this is going to have a negative effect on your upward mobility. If you focus on doing your job well and adjust well within the office culture, this would go much further than simply catering to every whim of your boss. Occasional compliments are well-adjusted, but doing it all the time, will just be counted as flattery. And flattery doesn’t run long in your promotional mobility.
6. Do I ask for help?
It is always advisable to admit your mistakes and ask for help when you feel lost. It shows a lot about your personality and character and adds value to your professional self. Asking for help doesn’t make you any less than the best, it shows you know your strengths and weaknesses. This also shows that you do a high degree of introspection which is always appreciated.
Hope we answered most of your questions and have set you off on your way up the ladder!
Or instead become your own boss. Sounds motivational? Here’s what you need first – a office space, co-working space in Qutab, New Delhi or business centre in Koramangala, Bengaluru , where you will start working for yourself as your own boss.